RANDOM: Personal Poems About Love and HeartBreak

Personal Poems About Love and HeartBreak

   Yah, I'm doing something a bit  different this week!
  I decided to share some of my poems: all my written love poems, as I'm going through a new phase of my life, you know, so just taking stuff out. 🙄.

  You can tell me what you think in the comments.
  Here's one, take your time:


Do you know
how long it takes
for love to turn to hatred?

I don't know either.
I don't know, yet.
I don't think I want to know.

These days,
I think too deeply
about anything,
it's like somehow 
my mind runs to you,
to us.

To how much
I love you.

I look outside and
I should be seeing grass,
but I see,
smell, you,

My successes,
I celebrate them,
with this mix of nostalgia,
it clings to my throat,
threatens to choke me,
wants to leave me in darkness.

bruise me more 
than when you were here,
human shock absorber.

Are there any parts of me
I did not let you touch?

My body,
bathing it, 
is remembering
our bodies.

I am
trying to get Geometry
into my head
at my study table,
this bright evening.
Purple walls, soothing.
J. Cole, playing.

J. Cole saying,
I should meditate.
J. Cole begging me 
that there is a better way.

I would want to paint him,
J. Cole, as a hero that
saved my life,
but not

he asked me
to meditate on you.

So, I wrote this.


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